Project Aristotle - Google

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast"

By Hamzah Javaid

November 11, 2022

What is the secret to a great team?

What is the secret to a great team?

Project Aristotle, the ambitious research initiative by Google, sought to unlock the secrets of team success and uncover the elusive recipe for high-performing teams. Named after the renowned Greek philosopher Aristotle’s famous saying, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” Project Aristotle aimed to delve into the depths of team dynamics and understand what makes teams tick. And what a journey it was! The findings of Project Aristotle were nothing short of game-changing and have far-reaching implications for organizations everywhere.

The research showed that the most effective teams possess five critical attributes:

  • clear goals
  • open and psychological safety
  • dependability
  • structure
  • clarity
  • good relationships

(1) Clear Goals

Clear goals are the foundation of a high-performing team. They provide a shared vision and a sense of purpose, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same objective. Teams with clear goals have a roadmap for progress, which enables them to track their progress and make necessary adjustments along the way. Having clear goals helps to keep team members motivated and focused, and provides a sense of direction and momentum.

(2) Open and Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is a key factor in team success. It refers to the perception that team members can express their thoughts and opinions without fear of retaliation or being judged. Teams that promote psychological safety are more likely to have open and honest communication, and to be more innovative and creative. When team members feel safe to share their ideas, the whole team benefits, and everyone can bring their best work to the table.

(3) Dependability

Dependability is critical to building trust within a team. When team members are dependable, it means they can be relied upon to meet their commitments and follow through on their promises. This enables team members to collaborate seamlessly, and helps to foster a culture of trust and respect. Dependability also helps to create a sense of stability and security, which is essential for high-performing teams.

(4) Structure and Clarity

Structure and clarity provide the roadmap for progress, and help to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objective. Teams with clear structure and clarity have defined roles and responsibilities, which enables them to divide tasks and allocate resources effectively. This provides a clear line of sight for each team member, and enables them to focus on their work without distractions.

(5) Good Relationships

Good relationships form the foundation of a positive team culture, and are critical to fostering teamwork and collaboration. Teams with strong relationships are more likely to have open and honest communication, and to be more supportive of one another. Good relationships also help to create a sense of belonging and connectedness, which is essential for team morale and motivation. By building strong relationships, teams can create a culture of trust and respect, which is essential for high-performance.

Concluding remarks

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

These attributes work in harmony to create an environment where team members can thrive and bring their best selves to the table. Clear goals provide a shared vision and a sense of purpose, and psychological safety allows team members to speak their minds without fear of retaliation. Dependability breeds trust and enables seamless collaboration, while structure and clarity provide a roadmap for progress and clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Good relationships form the foundation of a positive team culture and are the key to fostering teamwork and collaboration.

The findings of Project Aristotle are significant because they challenge conventional wisdom and demonstrate that team success is not just about individual intelligence or expertise. It’s about the collective behavior and interactions of team members. The research highlights the importance of creating an environment where team members feel valued and supported, and where everyone has the opportunity to contribute their best work. This is especially relevant in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business landscape, where teams are facing more complex problems and the need for innovation is greater than ever.

To bring the findings of Project Aristotle to life, organizations must focus on creating a culture that values open communication, psychological safety, and trust. Team leaders must encourage the sharing of ideas and opinions and create an environment where team members feel comfortable speaking up. They must also provide clear goals and structures, and establish processes for tracking progress and holding team members accountable. Good relationships can be strengthened through regular team-building activities and by recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements.

The findings of Project Aristotle have far-reaching implications for organizations everywhere. By creating a culture of openness, psychological safety, and trust, teams can be more effective, innovative, and better equipped to solve complex problems. By embracing the findings of Project Aristotle, organizations can reap the rewards of a more engaged and productive workforce, leading to improved business outcomes and greater success. So, let’s get out there and create teams that embody the five attributes of effective teams, and achieve greatness by being greater than the sum of their parts!

Posted on:
November 11, 2022
4 minute read, 836 words
Manager Reflections
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